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3 pages
Aldeia Etênhiritipá, Aldeia Paraíso, Aldeia Pimentel Barbosa, SPI/FUNAI, Terra Indígena Pimentel Barbosa, Terra Indígena São Marcos, A’uwẽ (Xavante), Museu do Índio
Health and well-being
The prevalence of hypertension has increased among the Xavánte over the years, which is probably related to behavioral, social, and economic alterations deriving from increased interaction with Brazilian national society.
Wedezé sobrevoo (1).JPG
Aldeia Etênhiritipá, Aldeia Paraíso, Aldeia Pimentel Barbosa, SPI/FUNAI, Terra Indígena Pimentel Barbosa, Terra Indígena São Marcos, A’uwẽ (Xavante), Museu do Índio
Education and traditional knowledge, Government relations, Land and territory, Plants and animals, Stories and oral history